Had some rain on the drive up. Only a few sprinkles on the ski. Took a westerly course from the lot, battling bare spots and downfall, especially in the denser woods. Showers turned to snow at about 5500'. April made 6700' her summit while Maryanne and I went to the top, first for both of us. On the way back down, we waited at April’s summit for the two “Telemarketers” who had left the lot before us to pass. Perhaps they were slow on account of the extra weight of their plastic boots? Or maybe it was their “spare tires”? Loads of fun tree-skiing. Followed a trail south towards Crescent Lake thinking it was the Pretty Lake Trail. No problem. We corrected our course and made our way back to the lot in good time.
April’s ready for some skiking
Wayne, April and Maryanne, back in the “Sno-Park”
Last modified: April 1, 2007