Saturday August 28, 1999
As the surf report did not sound promising, Ann Harvey and I headed for the mountain instead of the beach. Winding up Road 3512 towards Cloud Cap, we saw this waterfall. Looks like it might be melt from Elliot Glacier. (The 7.5 minute topo of the area shows that this is Wallalute Falls, and that we spotted it from Inspiration Point.)
Leaving the parking lot at Cloud Cap (5850 ft. elev.), we quickly climbed through last of the trees. Hmm, here's a little patch of pink lupine.
From a ways up the ridge, we caught sight of five ice climbers making their way up the glacier. These blocks of ice must be thirty feet tall or more! Ann lends a hand to show just how big this thing is. Here's a wide angle shot showing much of the glacier. The jumble of blocks from the previous picture is to the far right. Here's a telephoto view of the same jumble from higher up.
Here's the view from our turnaround point at about 8300 ft. elev. To the left is the lower portion of the Eliot Glacier valley. To the right is the Cooper Spur, with the trail zig-zagging up. From up there we could hear occasional growls and rumbles from the glacier.
A space craft materializes on the edge of Cooper Spur. Oh no! It's the Ann-alien! Well, I'm not afraid of extra-terrestrials! Take this, puny earthling!
Last Modified October 3, 2001